Donnerstag, 31. August 2023
French Woman and Indian Call Center
come in - go to
peace- piss
happiness - a penis
bitch - beach
simple misunderstandings are hysterical. Laughed so hard.
Osho on Saintly Death
Like cut off pleasure zones, personality. But maybe it is just a reusage at a higher level and Osho hasn't gotten the message.
Mittwoch, 30. August 2023
Cat 4 Hurricane to Hit Florida, Southeast USA
Tampa, Orlando, Disneyworld - the full moon adds a foot to the tide
Dienstag, 29. August 2023
Great Small Netherlands Towns
I compare the activity here to my visit back home in the states where walking and biking it was a ghost town as people only go by car and the severely poor minorities mainly might be underway by foot, very few of them.
Montag, 28. August 2023
New Russian Laser Guns Destroys Ukrainian Drones
War usually accelerates technological change. Maybe this will make a star wars future where bullets are replaced by lasers in cop cars, military.
Sonntag, 27. August 2023
Samstag, 26. August 2023
Freitag, 25. August 2023
Essential and Performative Masculinity
The women come and go talking of Michelangelo... that isn' t what I meant at all...I grow old, I grow old, I wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled.
Maybe I am a real man like j. alfred prufrock!
Donnerstag, 24. August 2023
Mittwoch, 23. August 2023
Dienstag, 22. August 2023
Sonntag, 20. August 2023
Samstag, 19. August 2023
Freitag, 18. August 2023
Donnerstag, 17. August 2023
Young Girl Reincarnated From an Ancient World
Mittwoch, 16. August 2023
Dienstag, 15. August 2023
Montag, 14. August 2023
Sonntag, 13. August 2023
Donnerstag, 10. August 2023
Mittwoch, 9. August 2023
Montag, 7. August 2023
Sonntag, 6. August 2023
Samstag, 5. August 2023
Freitag, 4. August 2023
Donnerstag, 3. August 2023
Mittwoch, 2. August 2023
Dienstag, 1. August 2023
USA so different. You live in your car and everything so spread out. I don't drive or care for cars or smartphones. But my young life was here in the more central part of town and slower paced, just school and back then living on campus at university, not very mobile, few contacts, just like now, work to home, sleep, cook, a bit of internet reading. My body feels wrong in cars, uncomfortable. Europe or NYC better for me or small town. But vegetation, ground, trees so different up in far north than in mid latitudes with big trees. Shrubby ground here or moss and thin trees pine, birch. housing and stores, shopping completely separate, highways dominate.
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