Donnerstag, 31. Dezember 2020

2020 Achevements

 1. Better yoga flexibility

2. Daily meditation

3. New dietary habits

4. Intermittent Fasting

5. Regular Blogging

6. Energy Body Work

7. Online contacts improving through blogging, networking

8. Getting obsessed with music

All these in no particular order. The blogging seems key as research increases knowledge, contacts and curiosity. So I got more involved in life generally, less passive and this increased my potential. Like who cares about doing something new in sport, diet, meditation if you have no community to report back to about it( ego stroke or just feeling you belong?).  One good habit creates another it seems and it never stops there like compound interest. As I got quieter through low carb diet( blood sugar low heightens concentration) and intermittent fasting I could finally endure meditation and slow down my yoga routine so my stretches got better. This in turn heightened energy flow. Anyone into kundalini yoga/ tai chi notices that slow movement, deep stretching gives tingling electricity in trunk, limbs. The slower and deeper the movement or stretch the deeper, more intense the energy sensation into muscles, nerves, organs. Then lately my meditation has become more about energy observance, stimulation. I play with flows, eddies. My body is like a fountain pulling energy up from below in the center then flowing back down over edges of head or lately I am a twister pulling energy from above and feeling a current turn round my body like a storm or I lie down and open my hands feel the hand and feet and head chakras turning clockwise simultaneously. This starts the tornado effect which afterward continues on its own without any concentration on it. I don' t know what to call this as it is not meditation, pranayama( breathwork) or yoga or chakra work/ balancing. You can get get doozy, high from the sensation though. So new and weird development been working on lately coincidentally out of fun on vacation. Thank God for creative pauses with no pressure. Whatever this technique is I am gonna build on it. As the tornado speed around body grows pressure on head can grow pushing more energy through body and the sensation stops being a turning and gets deep into body like a net cutting everywhere deep inside. Almost too weird to report it and so new to me but why not. I know that as energy gradually increased over the years I sometimes had short lived dizzy spells which soon passed as my body adjusted. Today my tai chi had excellent energy flow in legs as well. This strong sensation was usually just in trunk or in arms. It takes years of development and all these techniques together to get this. Like I did two hours of yoga yesterday and it really energized and refreshed me. Like a good night's sleep it clears out lots of old stuff. With those multi- hour Thai massages a similar effect is created I understand. For non yogis a good place to get a start when you are in an emotional fog and tend to reach for a cig, beer, coffee or sugar high to calm, relieve tension. You can get so loose, high, chilled that any self medication ( music, film, dancing even) can be superfluous. So intensive enough practice of certain types of Asian type bodywork can effectively charge body and release tensions all at once, unlike jogging, weight lifting. 

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