Freitag, 31. Dezember 2021

Donnerstag, 30. Dezember 2021

Safe to Dance


Harnessing Neuroplasticity


Fast Car - Tracy Chapman


Make own Clothes


The Dark Truth Behind Elon Musk




How to Empty Your Garbage Filled Mind


Heal Trauma without Medication


Judy Garland - Somewhere Over the Rainbow


Dienstag, 28. Dezember 2021

The Great Existential Films


Santa's True Story


Understanding Surrealism


wild crow plays games with woman


Dark Side of Wellness Culture


Retailers Fleeing China


Baby can I hold you tonight - Pavarotti and Tracy Chapman


Indian Brain Drain


Montag, 27. Dezember 2021

Across the Universe Beatles


Spengler and Techno Dystopia


James Webb Space Telescope


Hobbit - Audiobook


Requin Chagrin - Fou


Costs of Global Aging


Genetics and Human Evolution


Understanding Thwaites Glacier


Dire Straits Concert Wembley 1985


Sonntag, 26. Dezember 2021

Transit Pluto Conjunct Natal Saturn \ Pluto in Capricorn

once in a lifetime very slow moving painfully excruciating reveals dark side, transforms and for basically a whole year of people at once. So this takes one age group at a time and brutalizes its inner soul.

 Pluto in Capricorn 2008-23 example of 4th house transit

My transit was 1st house. 15 years is a long time so by this time one should have gotten used to the effects. I went from office to cleaning and had lots of spiritual awakening. Next house is 2nd or financials in aquarius for me. Meanwhile Uranus is in 5th house Taurus, also financial, economic. We see stagflation. 

Evil Metaverse


Band Aid Docu


Band Aid - Do they know it" s Christmas ? 1985 benefit concert


Realistic Portraiture


Aurora Concert


Neanderthal Farming 125,000 years ago?


Desmond Tutu


Spain' s Economy and Crisis


Freitag, 24. Dezember 2021

The Northman - Trailer ( Nicole Kidmann. Björk)


India' s Martial Art


Trevor Noah Defends Comedy Against Cancel Culture


Forgotten Female Masters


Toxic Home for Christmas


Tracy Chapman best hits


Changesbowie full album


The Science Delusion


Uranus square Saturn 

Donnerstag, 23. Dezember 2021

How much pop growth? 

History of Ideas: TheRenaissance


Do You Need a Degree?


Artistic Discontentment


Boric 35 y.o. Leftist Millenial Prez in Chile

Rise in Suicides in India During Covid


Matrix Metaphors


Why Leaders Lie


Ideas from Hinduism


Dienstag, 21. Dezember 2021

Soviet Punk




Bob Marley Hits


How Sweet Potatoes Changed History


Tragic Cranberries Story


John Lennon' s Last Year Alive


Incompetent Elites


Potter Reunion , Rowling Canceled

For anyone having seen the series and followed the history it revolved around it is apparent that the story is about Rowling herself, her Xer generation, and herself born on Harry' s birthday. This is not a conformist millenial perspective. We the Xers are the true rebels, magicians, defenders of truth. The boomers and millenials will cancel us when we speak inconveniently that " the emperor has no clothes". They will slowly torture us by any means possible to just shut up. The fans, actors and hollywood like a good story but it is just a story. For the hardcore realists it is life. Once you get coopted you are part of the system and the Death Eaters. The story is a civil war where moral people don' t care for power or advantage but due to severe suffering of family and in childhood will sacrifice all as they recognize evil. Evil hides itself behind fakes. Honesty and open discussion of most serious topics are dismissed nowadays. The party line lives as in Pravda. Submit or die in Azkaban like Julian Assange, JK Rowling. Solzhenitsyn landed in the Gulag Archipelago of internment in Siberia. Our internal camps are Guantanamo or cancellation. Let the stars donate their fortunes to the causes they espouse and give up their prominent power for a real cause, not a Disney fantasy type move like that they were portrayed in. Reality of the last 20 years was the American invasions in muslim countries and their resistance and millions of refugees. In the West there is always the next cool technology. Metaverse replaces internet. Meanwile no investment goes into dripping pipes and leaky schools. Similar stands for social causes.Women fought for their rights only now to be replaced by others. So if women speak up they are unworthy of the name after millions of years of development technological borgs replace them in an instant of evolutionary development. There was no referendum on this, no broad based societal discussion involving all parts of society church leaders, social groups as in Brexit or other critical matters. No, it was taken on faith that some small hip minority and ultraliberals could dictate away millions of years of human evolution. This is not so and it will never be so. Covid was born in a lab made by men playing around with genes in viruses. We see the results as with Monsanto, genetically modified sterile seeds being sold to poor peasants in India who in huge debt to the banks for new seed corn commit suicide. Progress is becoming a great evil in this world. Science is the pandora' s box creating nuclear bombs, plastic pollution, CO2 spewing factories and cars and now altering people by lengthening their legs to make taller, doing plastic surgery for advantage or psychology or by changing external sexual characteristics and presuming this means a change of actual sex. When a person who is short or ugly, having undergone a change by cosmetic surgery to be pretty or tall, has children, then their children will inherit the original genes to become short or ugly and will not resemble the parent. Am I a luddite, a reactionary? I certainly hope so. I await the midnight knock on the door to be taken to Siberia or tried in the star chamber similar to Harry' s show trial where Dumbledore saved him. But alas there is no Dumbledore and evil always wins. Society collapses as in Rome due to its inherent evil only to be replaced by a new society led by the malcontents of the last one, as in the christians who were killed by Nero for allegedly starting the fires in Rome. Those who count on the system and adhere to its rules are puppets and quislings. The church became dominant only to birth rebels like Galileo who then suffered under that ideological torture. Now science of Galileo and Newton have replaced the Christian faith and the previous Roman Pantheon of Gods but we see how it has become a religion of technological progress towards profitmaking and destruction of the earth and human dignity in its turn. The seas are rising as the ice melts and the 6th mass extinction unfolds. Transgenderism is just part of this culture of scientism on its last legs. How many poor hungry African women are not desperately in need of birth control, basic education, etc to stop having 8 children on average, spreading Africa to billions of people and we have such odd customs in the West of gender dysphoria among youth controlling our daily politics. Our fathers and grandfathers would turn over in their graves, seeing the sytem of social equality, peace and stability they established devolving into pure emotional chaos which even the late 1960s could not anticipate.

Montag, 20. Dezember 2021

Evolving Relationship Energies with Venus Retrograde in Capricorn


Bridging the rich to poor Education Divide


Tartaria Explained pt. 1 : The Irish Connection


Thwaites Melting, Ocean Rising

So I guess all those coastal residents like myself will need to move deeper inland. This will then continue every generation, disrupting efforts to live. Covid and economic problems look mild in comparison.

Purpose of Twin Flames


Chile Elects Social Democrat President


Make Instagram Casual


Ancestral Map


Sonntag, 19. Dezember 2021

Venus Mars Pluto Conjunct March 3, long 2 month mars venus conjunction

Venus and Mars will form a conjunction in February of 2022 that will be maintained for two months. This is unusual and will be interesting to observe.

Venus takes about a year to transit through the signs. Mars takes two years.

Under normal conditions, Venus hooks up with Mars to form a conjunction approximately once a year. The contact lasts ten days or so and that’s it.  The 2022 situation is exciting!

2022 Venus Mars conjunctionThe Venus Mars conjunction will kick off on February 1st with Venus at 11 degrees, Mars at 5 degrees Capricorn.  The two planets will flirt around for a couple weeks, eventually forming an exact conjunction on the 16th, at 16 degrees.

Note that Valentine’s Day falls during this period.  Gets the blood pumping!

Looking ahead to the end of February, Venus and Mars are still tightly conjunct at 24 and 25 degrees Capricorn. The planets are in close company throughout the month but the big event will take place on March 3rd…

Venus mars pluto conjunction in Capricorn March 2022March 3rd, Venus, Mars and Pluto will form a triple conjunction at 27 degrees Capricorn.  The is remarkable but made even more so by situation the other planets find themselves in.

Specifically, Mercury and Saturn are conjunct at 19 degrees Aquarius. But there will also be a stellium in Pisces that includes the sun, moon and Jupiter and Neptune.

Words don’t do this justice. Click here to see the February 3rd chart.

2022 venus mars ingress AquariusThe next event takes just after midnight, morning of March 6th when Venus and Mars ingress into Aquarius within a seven minute time span. How’s that for futuristic?

Post this fluke, the planets with maintain their conjunction for the rest of the month. March 31st, Venus is at 24 Aquarius with Mars at 18. Venus will ingress into Pisces during the first week of April, marking the end of this special time.

To zero in on how this conjunction will affect you, check the houses in your chart that will be transited by Venus and Mars, as well as the planets they’ll aspect.  Remember this is a process. I would expect a specific event. It’s more like a series of events of various magnitude, taking place as Mars drives Venus for good or ill.

Also note the conjunction is significant during this entre period. But it will peak at the degrees between 14 Capricorn and 3 Aquarius.

While everyone will be affected, pay special attention if you have planets that will be aspected at these degrees. I fit the category so I’ll be on this for sure.

Are you looking forward to the long-form, 2022 Venus Mars conjunction?

Jupiter Transit Pisces in 2022 - Best Year for Pisces 

While we may be chugging along collectively in the Age of Aquarius—a time largely marked by humanitarian pursuits and innovation—Aquarian water-bearers will soon relinquish their fortuitous spot in the celestial spotlight. In 2021, Jupiter was in the sign of Aquarius, offering its associated cosmic wa fortune to the air si energy it brings will move into Pisces, making the water sign destined to have the best year of all signs in 2022.

Thats right, Pisces, you can expect this year's Jupiter transit to herald your best year ever (or, at least, a really good one) in 2022, thanks to the symbolism of Jupiter and the areas of life over which it rules. “Jupiter is the planet in charge of expansion, luck, optimism, joy, abundance, and growth,” says astrologer Stefanie Iris Weiss. “It’s known as the ‘greater benef

When Jupiter shifts into Pisces on December 28—where it will remain until May 10, 2022—it essentially smiles down upon you, expanding opportunities across all areas of life, with a focus on elements of travel (whether literally or by way of a metaphorical broadening of your horizons). From May 10 to October 28, however, it's worth noting that Jupiter takes a quick turn in Aries. “This could put a brief pause on the abundant Piscean magic of the year, though the planet returns to Pisces from October 29 to December 20 once more,” says Weiss.

To lean into that growth energy, astrologer Colin Bedell, author of Queer Cosmos, suggests embracing faith, vision, and optimism. “This is not a year for weighing circumstances. This is not a year for, ‘If this, then that.’ It’s really about being optimistic and just going for it, as Jupiter in your sign responds more to faith than preparation,” he says.

As for the absolute best days of Pisces’ best year in 2022? Those will likely be the first week of March and the last week of April, according to Weiss. In both cases, Venus—the planet of love, beauty, and value—will also be in Pisces, where it’s considered “exalted,” says Weiss, “which simply means it’s at its healthiest, happiest, and most beautifully Venusian.”

During the first week of March, specifically, the sun joins in on the Pisces fun, too, and is conjunct Jupiter on March 5, making that an extra-lucky day. “Pisces with early birthdays, take note,” Weiss says. And during that last week of April, Jupiter and Venus are close together in degree in Pisces, which brings opportunities all around, particularly for Pisces placements. “This is an excellent time for love and money matters, and anything beauty-adjacent,” says Weiss. “So, plan weddings, engagements, first dates, salon appointments, and any professional launches where your persona is part of the brand around this time.” Jupiter takes about 12 years to make its way through the zodiac wheel, this will be the first time since 2010 that the planet has made a full transit in Pisces, says Weiss. So, you might look back to that year to be building upon for this coming year.