Dienstag, 21. Dezember 2021

Potter Reunion , Rowling Canceled


For anyone having seen the series and followed the history it revolved around it is apparent that the story is about Rowling herself, her Xer generation, and herself born on Harry' s birthday. This is not a conformist millenial perspective. We the Xers are the true rebels, magicians, defenders of truth. The boomers and millenials will cancel us when we speak inconveniently that " the emperor has no clothes". They will slowly torture us by any means possible to just shut up. The fans, actors and hollywood like a good story but it is just a story. For the hardcore realists it is life. Once you get coopted you are part of the system and the Death Eaters. The story is a civil war where moral people don' t care for power or advantage but due to severe suffering of family and in childhood will sacrifice all as they recognize evil. Evil hides itself behind fakes. Honesty and open discussion of most serious topics are dismissed nowadays. The party line lives as in Pravda. Submit or die in Azkaban like Julian Assange, JK Rowling. Solzhenitsyn landed in the Gulag Archipelago of internment in Siberia. Our internal camps are Guantanamo or cancellation. Let the stars donate their fortunes to the causes they espouse and give up their prominent power for a real cause, not a Disney fantasy type move like that they were portrayed in. Reality of the last 20 years was the American invasions in muslim countries and their resistance and millions of refugees. In the West there is always the next cool technology. Metaverse replaces internet. Meanwile no investment goes into dripping pipes and leaky schools. Similar stands for social causes.Women fought for their rights only now to be replaced by others. So if women speak up they are unworthy of the name after millions of years of development technological borgs replace them in an instant of evolutionary development. There was no referendum on this, no broad based societal discussion involving all parts of society church leaders, social groups as in Brexit or other critical matters. No, it was taken on faith that some small hip minority and ultraliberals could dictate away millions of years of human evolution. This is not so and it will never be so. Covid was born in a lab made by men playing around with genes in viruses. We see the results as with Monsanto, genetically modified sterile seeds being sold to poor peasants in India who in huge debt to the banks for new seed corn commit suicide. Progress is becoming a great evil in this world. Science is the pandora' s box creating nuclear bombs, plastic pollution, CO2 spewing factories and cars and now altering people by lengthening their legs to make taller, doing plastic surgery for advantage or psychology or by changing external sexual characteristics and presuming this means a change of actual sex. When a person who is short or ugly, having undergone a change by cosmetic surgery to be pretty or tall, has children, then their children will inherit the original genes to become short or ugly and will not resemble the parent. Am I a luddite, a reactionary? I certainly hope so. I await the midnight knock on the door to be taken to Siberia or tried in the star chamber similar to Harry' s show trial where Dumbledore saved him. But alas there is no Dumbledore and evil always wins. Society collapses as in Rome due to its inherent evil only to be replaced by a new society led by the malcontents of the last one, as in the christians who were killed by Nero for allegedly starting the fires in Rome. Those who count on the system and adhere to its rules are puppets and quislings. The church became dominant only to birth rebels like Galileo who then suffered under that ideological torture. Now science of Galileo and Newton have replaced the Christian faith and the previous Roman Pantheon of Gods but we see how it has become a religion of technological progress towards profitmaking and destruction of the earth and human dignity in its turn. The seas are rising as the ice melts and the 6th mass extinction unfolds. Transgenderism is just part of this culture of scientism on its last legs. How many poor hungry African women are not desperately in need of birth control, basic education, etc to stop having 8 children on average, spreading Africa to billions of people and we have such odd customs in the West of gender dysphoria among youth controlling our daily politics. Our fathers and grandfathers would turn over in their graves, seeing the sytem of social equality, peace and stability they established devolving into pure emotional chaos which even the late 1960s could not anticipate.

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