Dienstag, 1. Februar 2022

Dreaming and Life Cycle Transitions

 I often dream of things from the past which were a general cause for stress. One of these was test anxiety from school or college. I find that when one stops dreaming of a certain thing and switches to another then one has gotten over that generally subconsciously, brain rewired. This can take decades, depending on amount of time and effort put into the problem. Last night I was negotiating a trip in my dream with a smalll child in a subway and chatting with a stranger. Family travel with small children is about 20 years ago for me so tit seems this coming up is a sign that that phase is working its way out of my subconscious. My thoughts on this are that young adults learn to relive their childhood and understand their parents better without bitterness by becoming parents themselves. Older adults help coach their young adult children into that situation of parenting, gaining further distance from the role of being a parent by becoming a grandparent. Once I dream of being a parent of small children in such a concrete way, caring for holding the child, talking to it, running around lost in a big city underway I have somehow come to the next phase where I see this frm a distance and am ready to become a grandparent or at least observe young people enjoying what we had with a sense of satisfaction and pleasure but no real desire to be there myself again. This is my second saturn return. The first saturn return in the late 20s is where nowadays most get serious about relationship and family and leave off the big ego search, meaning of life. The third phase 60+ is grandparenting, mentoring of the young adults who have children and giving back to society in general. I suppose a 100 year old person would coach grandparents on how to deal with their 40 year old married kids. They would also be definitely way away from senior responsibilities of politics and leaderships and into spirituality I suppose if this is the ultimate goal before death to prevent rebirth. Nowadays politicians of 80+ seem more normal. Earlier decades 55 or so was normal. As systems get more complex more learning is needed to lead so older is maybe better.

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