Sonntag, 6. Februar 2022

Planetary Cycles in Higher Harmonics

 I thought about my Jupiter transit post from yesterday and figured that each time it is dealing with a higher level problem or different reality. Last time I was in career switch mode which helped greatly, before that in a simlar time period I settled into married life. These are twelve year cycles.  Once one has dealt with certain problems one moves on to the next level of problems. 

When Jupitet or another major planet transits the same place again you have progressed if you are paying attention. The last decade, really seven years has been intense in energy work with people, plants, even stars, moon, sun. Now it seems I am moving to a more abstract level due to higher energy being able to perceive better. Venus/ Saturn conjunct in my horoscope is in the indian horoscope in best placement in Vargottama. That means that in the most important sub horoscope Navamsha or D9 - they are in same position in aquarius. Saturn is also controller of all other planets, final dispositor( I forget the word for this at the moment), meaning it rules over other houses where planets are, which then themselves rule over remaining houses. 

My obsession with energy of others, trees, etc is sort of an astral plane problem. People, trees are concrete, sublevel, Gods and whole planets, stars, the next level of which I seem to be getting an inkling now. Personal  planetary deity absorption in the sense of Venus- Saturn( concretization) conjunct with transit Jupiter( expanded perception). In next year or two saturn will transit same place intensifying this committment.

During this year Jupiter transits my sun as well so perhaps that will become an issue. Yin and Yang balance each other out in terms of female and male energies. Also Chiron is conjunct my sun so my healing energies could become awakened in some way or other. Then later mercury being transited making me smarter!

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