Donnerstag, 24. März 2022

Roe v Wade- Abortion Rights in America

Life is so difficult that having kids is too expensive anyway. In 1970s people were having lots more kids. The global population is going to decline. The left wing states are focused on their extreme rights while the right wing states are going in the opposite direction. There seems to be no middle ground. Imagine a taliban country with burka women unschooled living next door to sodom and gomorrha drug, sex paradise. Saudi princes have sex, alcohol parties behind closed doors or go abroad for these to Lebanon, so one hears. Is America going in such an odd direction where certain moral, sexual rights will determine everything. For instance CRT and white subservient guilt complex plus South African style business ownership equity portion for minorities by law plus a large trans minority dominating female sports completely and abortion on demand plus strong LGBTQ education at all grade levels. On the right all of that would be expressly banned and maybe abottion too plus creationism introduced in schools and eventually racial resegregation like in the 1950s. The irony of the latter is that both extreme right and extreme left both seem to agree with segregation because they feel uncomfortable in reality I suppose and don' t like to deal with  one another. Does all this have to do with the fundamental secular nature of the USA? Europeans have official Christianity but few people attend church. Extremist philosophies and ideologies are less common. I see the fact that trans movement is attacking feminist gains being a sort of permanent leftist revolution that becomes ever more extremist. The same can be said of equity or same outcome and reparations demands vs equality of opportunity. While the left has taken over electronic media and MSM, the right is controlling courts. Law schools and other colleges all become leftwing breeding grounds. It seems like a permanent ideological warfare. It seems odd and counterproductive to life in general. I guess reading about all of this is more dramatic than in real life. Most people don't deal with such exceptional circumstances on a daily basis. Still, reading about American politics makes one wonder what is going on.


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