Samstag, 9. April 2022

Jupiter Neptune Conjunct in Pisces Rare Event 

Neptune in Pisces from 2011-25, joined this year by Jupiter thereby short term maximizing its energy. My guess on its meaning in the political, social and economic sphere is Peak Irrationality. QE, Transgenderism, BLM, sanctioning to cause global starvation and end USD and Western power monopoly. Last time Neptune was in Pisces was pre- civil war period in USA. There seems to be such a social atmosphere today in general. All news is fake news or just opinion. Literal facts are irrelevant as all arguments are ad hominem. Rittenhouse, Bucha attack, what have you. Accusation is a guilty verdict for MSM. A sacred cause is to be upheld. Years after the fact Trump is exonerated or Hunter Biden found guilty but the damage was done. It seems the ascendancy of left and right runs in cycles. Leftwing theory is now consensus( Neptune in Pisces) as in 1850s. Japan and German nationalism were ascendant in the last war with Neptune in Virgo. Where Neptune comes, there extremes are observed. In aquarius we had internet boom  and bust( aquarius rules communications, Uranus). Virgo is stereotypical for exactness. Germany and Japan live this out and were in their insane phase with Neptune in Virgo. The USA is all about equality, freedom, brotherhood, love, i.e. pisces characteristics. Globalism, no borders and universalism of the UN all represent this. The US has taken over the world leadership from the narrow minded nationalists and tried to form a globally free society. However theory and ideals were undermined by hypocrisy and business interests. Now the ideology of global liberalism has run its course, peaked in effect with Jupiter conjunct Neptune in Pisces, absolutely predictably. Now the pendulum to the concrete, regional, ethnic, resource based realities will return as Neptune moves back in the other direction. Theory must be well grounded in deep experience. So Eurasian practicality will save us from a decadent new Rome of the West until in 80 years another cycle favoring Western openness might begin, once we have learned humility and the emerging alliance has corrupted itself on power. This changing balance between West and East, young and old cultures will continue indefinitely through centuries. The Russians, bordering the two spheres seem to be balancing out their energies.

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