Freitag, 17. Juni 2022

Adults with a history of childhood trauma explore less during a foraging task and collect fewer rewards, study finds

This is written in academic jargon. The gist being that those from a stressed childhood were less open to exploration, change. It was not tested for long term change however. I find tht I fit this pattern. I think lots of people like this however find less interest in what others appreciate and try to find deeper answers. One might get into drugs, sex or try out cults. At any rate simplistic behavior is discarded. If we apply this to societies we find those with little recent or historical catastrophes to be creative and materialistic, like the USA. Russia OTOH is very risk avoidant and is known for its deep spirituality. Deep spirituality in nature or ancient religious traditions feeds our souls. After decades of practice I have gotten more stable and become more explorative in behavior, more self confident. Spirituality heals old wounds long term and makes one less materialistic. The upshot from my experience is that a superficial but good life leads to superficial materialistic and selfish, narcissistic people. Hardship teaches self control, appreciation of the little things in life that bring true happiness. However people can get lost in the misery from their hardship, become addicts, neurotics. I suggest age old techniques like yoga and meditation. Of  course there are lots of others. The point is to become self aware and to start realizing we need to change. For example America wastes its advantages and becomes a backwater and people learn to live day to day like in a peruvian mountain village or Russia gets self confident and becomes a cultural and technologiycal center. Change always comes. Every place has its time in history.

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