Donnerstag, 9. Juni 2022

Set Habits Not Goals

 The Path is the Way

Anyway, obviously I just keep wondering what can come next in spiritual acheivement as it gets deeper, more flowing all the time but only as a result of consistent habit allowing creation of flow state. One reads of great masters becoming enlightened. This is inexplicable in words, like telling a virgin about orgasmic sex or describing taste of chocolate to someone who has never had it or color to a blind person. Experience is critical but each person needs to walk the path alone. This is why history is always sadly repeated. Nobody remembers why frustration, anger, bitterness, neurosis, mass psychosis took hold 100 years before, so we are doomed to relive it regularly. Just so each person has to strive to acheive something. Lottery wins are not satisfying, or inheritance. True acheivement through really hard work is satisfying.

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