Sonntag, 27. November 2022

Chinese Soft Power Problem

This sounds like previous videos below. PRC invests 10 billion per year on soft power culture, which is full of ideological overtones, like in soviet union, similar to Zuck's ten billion annual investment in metaverse, as he wants it. In general West has better soft power, although lots of censorship from the left is now stifling this in media giants.  Independent artists with own fan bases and self censoring traditional manner for obscenity, human decency, etc as since thousands of years is better. A Democratic or CCP party line in a pop song in USA or China will not sell. Imagine a MAGA song or the Woke films with a perfect mixture of races, ethnicities and sexes spouting sterile dialogue. America's soft power is declining due to this as well as China' s soft power not growing. But I presume that preeminent now is political crisis, which takes precedence over everything else in societies until a post crisis era allows us to relax and like in the 50s to 70s or 80s lots of creative energy to blossom.

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