Sonntag, 5. März 2023

Manipura or Solar Plexus Chakra 

Feeling strong energy here now. It can take years to really open up a chakra. My throat chakra was like that. Manipura I felt and it would lose control, pumping in and out. Now it just holds lots of burning energy, dissipating the excess coming from head, heart, sacral chakra which I too often have. I always think " I have reached a pinnacle, end point" but it never ends. You are always developing. Sometimes the heart overwhelms with sentiment or the mind is totally quiet and you "feel God" as the crown burns or sexual desire is painful or the third eye has such pressure. Then in between all the tissue acts as a connection, absorbing in the cheeks and neck, shoulders, breast, sides, buttocks such a flow of energy. I hope these things balance out. Some level of peacefulness is great and love. This article says a lot about manipura, self confidence, happiness., anger. As youngest I had issues with assertiveness. My Mars in horoscope is opposite my Sun. Conscious learning about being assertive and not being overly nice, cautious, anxious. So manipura activation is welcome. Being over theoretical and intellectual as a refugium from the daily reality a working class household with a couple older brothers and labourer father, I clung more to my over educated British mother. Developing from the pet of the family to having a quiet mouse type existence in an office for 15 years while married to a domineering Leo star sign oldest daughter was natural. Since 2010 doing myself a labouring job has opened me up enormously to being quite natural and relaxed physically and emotionally while losing resentfulness, nervousness, fear of others. Yoga and chakra work accelerates the change which might otherwise never happen. Being withdrawn, nervous, shy, fearful is one side of life that can be hopefully cured by changed circumstances and training. The body keeps the score book discusses issues. Chakra work clears up Freudian neurotic backlogs stuck in muscle tissues, brain cells. Why repeat always same habits because it elicited a positive reaction from your mother as an infant but you forgot that moment later on? Like the baseball players who after each big win remember the coincidental sequence of events before that game and try to repeat it out of superstition. Enlightenment is a direct, spontaneous connection to God at all levels of our being, all chakras, and corresponding reactions. 

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