Donnerstag, 27. April 2023

Biden Cognitive Ability

This is standard in history. 80 years is sort of a limit if one is not an extraordinary individual to partake still in active office( Queen Elizabeth IIhad an advisory role only). Pope's decline quickly in their 80s. Since average age is increasing physical health can be maintained longer, as with Biden. Nowadays technology is catching up on dementia reduction to better that as well so that perhaps millenials or gen Z place 100 year old fit and mentally astute presidents. As the world becomes more complex one needs to be older to have the influence to take over.  Age limits on active political offices should be considered seriously. 35 is lower limit. Perhaps 75 should be upper limit at election to congress or presidency. Term limits would solve this problem in congress who sit for 30 years or more. 100 years ago the age range was lower and turnover therefore higher. This makes government inflexible, oligarchic, regimist. 

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