Samstag, 16. September 2023

Bella Figura Jiri Kyllian Nederland Dans Theater

When I work alone cleaning in the evenings and most staff are gone it can be like dance. Sometimes they have music on. I had heard AC/DC's "Back in Black" a couple days ago and was singing it to myself as I worked yesterday. It seems that there is a development in body energy over time. As chakras strengthen they send energy to extremities, which then work better. I clasp my hands, fingers, turn as my ankles feel better strength, control. But then as I was singing this outrageous angry type song all this energy and speed came into my work and I didn't fel tired. It was like in martial arts, amazing for a couple hours at the end of Friday working. Ecstatic! I speculate about kundalini rejuvenating, making much younger and this is what it seems to mean. I was like a wild animal. I clicked later on TV, saw passive sedentary people and it was strange.


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