Sonntag, 3. September 2023

Fight to Promote Women's Equality in Sports

Excellent here. Obviously a male at precisely the same level must outperform a female due to sheer strength, speed but why earn millions, why discriminate, ignore their competitions altogether. It seems women' s gymnastics gets high attention. Unfortunately youtube videos of diving or beach volleyball focus on the current fad of butts being exposed and have zero interest in the competition itself. I recall academic competitiveness in school, some girls inevitably being better than me, even in chess being beaten. Logically I never can be best, most flexible in yoga, my favorite sport and women outdo me in everything possible. Men as well of course. No one is best at everything. We muddle through. Once you get used to this you start by comparing yourself to your previous results to see progress or see how you feel in different hobbies, how you develop in general. Life is short and playing " king of the hill" is a waste of time. Losing to women gracefully while admiring their playing style, beauty and grace and making profuse compliments could be the begining of a romantic adventure. Maybe they lose happily in bed but are competitive elsewhere. Who knows? Wisdom is varied. Casanova as a modern guy would have written on this topic. 

 My wife earns double my hourly wage, works half time, but has enormous stress on the job, needs extended vacations away. I am slow, relaxed kind of guy, not the very fast on the uptake, high paced go getter she is, so I like my slow paced congeniality with which she would die of boredom. Everyone is different. I think personality not just sex, makes all the difference, also birth order, in competitiveness. Oldest siblings are naturally more competitive generally, though not always. Fire signs ( sun sign) or well placed mars in fire sign can make very ambitious in sports competition. My mars is in virgo. I like routine, easy office job or cleaning, long walks and yoga. My mars is in opposition to my sun. This means I avoid conflict, i.e. competition, smooth over things. 

I know this youtube lady is scientific, likes psychology but perhaps a more nuanced approach would do. Of course even that is determined by horoscope. Saturn in pisces is interested in astrology, so there I am again in my own element. Why judge what others should do. Is feminism worn out, peaked out? Now men are changing sex to outcompete women. This is really unfair. Imagine women in general in all sports retiring after ten years of age as " boys" switch over and take all the medals, even in beauty contests. Real feminists have a whole new fight on their hands.

Watching around 8 minutes into the video her describing how women, girls are afraid to play with all their strength. I relate to that as shy, youngest, mama's son, intellectually bred, while my aggressive older brothers took after my working class father. I learned to really be assertive, physically self confident by having a physical job after I was 45. School desk, university, office work did not teach me to be mean, angry, physically flexible, fast. Also I overcame this sort of problem by spirituality(kundalini activates core energies dormant in one, awakening muscle- nerve connections). When a farmboy or labourer instinctively moves quickly he learns that extremely young. Genteel people are naturally inhibited. My mother seemed to me quite lazy, unmotivated physically but intellectually outstanding. My father was more balanced. Sports as hobby can only bring so much results. When society as a whole lives sitting in desks, on couches, before screens, becomes well mannered, polite and yes, lazy then the body slowly becomes less useful. The mind follows. So comes societal collapse. Barbarians invade as we live for pleasure, hedonism. 

I work in a hospital and doctors are becoming mostly female. Culture can change. Now of course in general economicall young me are discouraged as girls are better, taking their place. They retreat into low level jobs. Women take the high ground and perhaps refuse men earning less as partners. So family formation, fertility declines. So solve one problem for women's rights and create another one. Life is a conundrum.

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