Samstag, 2. September 2023

Old Souls Listen

He says we reconnect with past lives to accumulate knowledge. I know psychology teaches integrating, healing childhood trauma. This is similar. I feel this is happening to me and for that one needs meditation, lots of energy work. I dreamt of very old times then read archaeology discoveries with graves. Maybe I tap into common memories of us all, not just personal ones. I feel people when I see their photos sometimes but also dead celebrities lie Marilyn or Einstein. I at first found this strange. What am I contacting? If one reads old books then feels the spirit of the dead author, shakespeare, aurobind then are they still wandering as a ghost? At any rate integration of past life experiences( starvation, war, disasters, death in childbirth) could help put everything in perspective. I dreamt of a bear in a middle ages setting, also my dog became more sabre toothed. Am I reliving long past ages? Why are we so focused on this moment, work worries, love sickness, hobbies? If we are very long lived on earth then tapping into memories could make us wiser as if we were thousands of years old. Perhaps we are much older, came from other galaxies as souls, milllions of years ago. Tapping into such memories could help intergalactic travel, human evolution.

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