Samstag, 2. September 2023

Scientifically Proven Techniques For a Woman to Improve Her Orgasms!

If I had a sister or close female friend I cared about but was too embarrassed to discuss this with I might point her to such sources. Certainly happiness often depends on mechanical technique increasing pleasure. My meditation this morning brought such peace and then the massive energy surge was incredible. Most people however use orgasm to acheive anything approaching such states. Maybe with increased life experience they can transmute sexual energies tantrically or in meditation and have unlimited pleasure independent of a partner, making themselves more independent, less worried about fickle relationship problems. In early years reproduction is so important. Later one builds on general emotional maturity resulting from deep emotional learning turning this into spirituality, if we choose such a path of refinement through yoga, meditation or similar and reduce sexual(ejaculation in sex, masturbation) and other material obsessions(food, consumerism) then later life stages as a senior can become full of life wisdom.

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