Montag, 23. Oktober 2023

Men bigger than girlfriend for emotional stability of relationship

 I feel female energies easily and men are less emotional, more rational. Women's hearts emote more. So I think generally men need to be bigger than their partner to handle that emotion in their hearts, not be overwhelmed by it. Women need to feel nurtured and protected so a man must seem calm, not too dominated by emotion or manipulated by the female companion but be able to just feel and remain observant. So having a larger body, heart, more energy to absorb all those emotions allows him to remain calm and lead in a relationship. Emotional intelligence  must not mean participating and winning in games of the heart but remaining above that while understanding it. A couple years older in age or life experience might help as well. Nowadays both have equal economic reponsibility but for romantic such factors are still important. And as one's heart grows one can feel and relate to all types of people, ethnic, race, class, size, sex. Like a small town racist, if born in a large mixed environment would be chill with anyone. Spirituality has opened me up to the world. 

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