Sonntag, 24. Dezember 2023

Liberal Jews Turn Conservative After Gaza

I was thinking about the Southern States realignment to Republican party after Democrats took up civil rights in the 60s. Jews felt oppressed due to pogroms, Holocaust. Now they have arrived as a privileged white minority and have lost their oppresed identity, have become part of the establishment and have to behave conservatively. I read once that they vote schizophrenically, being rich like episcopalians and voting like Puert Ricans. It seems that this is going to change. Rich Jews will not be woke but will sed their interests in lily white conservatism and God fearing Christians as their allies. A historic realignment is coming. What will Zuckerberg, Hollywood directors, CNN, NYT do? Switvch over to Trump? If they were a normal minority in the USA, Europe it would be unimportant but they have strategic power as a group. Maybe liberal Jews will go antizionist, antiisrael and the Jewish people will split their vote, influence. My wife and I were generally in agreement politically until Gaza. But now we had heated embittered arguments. She is proisrael and I support the gazans. I say my Irish ancestors were similarly oppressed by imperialists and she feels her german - russian people's were oppressed like the Jews. She watches Russian language videos of Russian Israelis. Maybe lits of Jewish or mixed blood families with Jewish and non Jewish background have similar internal conflict. I recall Kanye West being cancelled recently but now a black Harvard leader supporting antisemitism with massive support and being attacked by the NYT, presumably led by Jewish editorial and ownership. When the civil rights, movements, blacks as oppressed minority lose Jewish backing in press, Hollywood then oppression by average whites like Trump will be easier. If pogrom against Jews is threatened by blacks then they will side with Christian whites. Apparently a Civil WarII is happening in America. What effect will such a realignment have on foreign policy. Neocons, led by Jews in important positions wanted to defeat Russia, Arab countries, China. Will that position remain tenable? If BRICS wins the big game and the Middle East realigns in their favor, making Neocon, proisrael policy impossible then peace will be necessary. This will all take time to sort out and is anything but simple. It is like being best friends with Erdogan. Is he with Nato or Russian bloc and which day of the week is it?

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