Dienstag, 28. Mai 2024

White Men Harassed in Workplace More Likely to Support Diversity


As a kid we moved to a minority neighbourhood where I got bullied at grade school. As an adult I avoided that until I took up janitorial where I had to get to know how working class immigrants tick. As immigrants integration continues this problem does not disappear as they move up the social ladder they continue to self isolate and stay in their groups, various ethnics, as they go from working class all the way up.  Bullying and harassment then moves upwards as the majority becomes something they don't want to be absorbed into and make this not very subtly clear. In America big cities have large black neighbourhoods and Hispanic areas. If you don't want your lily white kid permanently traumatized, don't move there. My son switched schools due to severe bullying. The mother of the gang leader headed the anti bullying committee at the school and was on great terms conveniently with all the teachers. Lots of girls avoided the high school he went on to later to avoid him. My view of white racism is my Russian wife being nervous of minority men and their conservative machismo. She has also adapted to this after years of intense interaction as a nurse with all types. She told me last night of her own people who all ghettoized themselves, living together and still can't speak correctly. The elections in Europe and America are always only seen as a nativist racism problem but immigrants have their own racism. The Irish immigrants to Boston, NYC created ghettoes and beat up blacks and Italians who trespassed, protecting particularly any contact with their females. Their Mafia style Clan tactics were copied by others.

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