Sonntag, 4. August 2024

Are we a New Weimar?

End Rome degeneracy, weak politics, etc. leading to fascism or communism with civil war on the way there.

Most historical analyses ignore this but we spent 13 years with Neptune in own sign of Pisces. This is as far left wing as it gets. Now Neptune is starting to enter Aries. Violence is becoming the norm for solving problems. When Neptune was in Aquarius we got the Internet boom. Then we got woke and uncontrolled immigration as it transited Pisces sign. Now people will start wars and civil wars readily, imagining that to be the answer to all problems. Neptune is a planet of imagination, fantasy. Be careful what you wish for. Going against the trend is something naturally only few people will do as the trend will seem so natural. We love crowds. One day we are infatuated with Internet, then it is refugees welcome and trans is cool, and now all sides will just love to at the least scream at each other and in some places have a good fight over their favorite ideas, ways of life or turf.

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