Freitag, 2. August 2024

Muslim March in London

Is this Muslim nationalism? What does that mean? Gay Pride parades and such also allowed. However we see what happened at the Olympics was disturbing to many. Will Islam conflict directly with British state or Christianity in the West? Multiculturalism allows us to live in parallel or mix. Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, Gays, Atheists(atheist marches never been) and maybe Buddhists, Hindus, witches( at Stonehenge). The controversy now seems that natives feel Muslims are not treated the same and others get a raw deal. Or they fear excessive immigration pushing natives out of cherished neighbourhoods, etc. Or violence in schools, on the streets perhaps. A well behaved(marries a local, wears modern clothing) Chinese neighbour with a Mercedes and a degree might be more acceptable to them than a large Muslim clan with conservative religious values, head scarves, constant marriages in the clan, ghettoization. The idea is that perhaps they are not immigrating as individuals to raise their lifestyle but as a group to take over by high birth rates, immigration, cultural dominance. That they are not interested in the local culture at all. If they were black Caribbean Christians, as many immigrants are in the UK, the locals could be simply bigoted in the traditional sense but not all too worried. However if they hold Western culture, Judeo-Christian, Modernism, democracy as critical then Islam could pose a concrete threat to the state over time in a factual sense. The Spanish reconquista was directed at this. Can Islam become moderate as in Syria, Turkey, Indonesia, Russia or is it all mullahs, sharia? Looking at Egypt, Morocco, we see that the govts. dislike extremists, tolerate moderation. The state is foremost. 10% are Christians in Egypt. However radical tendencies are observed in black Africa with boko Haram or Muslim brotherhood. China is very wary of it's statehood being disturbed. Russia has 15,000,000 Muslims and manages fairly well. Due to language difficulties Westerners are less aware of this. I work with Muslims and never see radical tendencies any more than from my strict Catholic father who never drank, prayed the Rosary and attended mass regularly. I understand the uproar in Europe due to crime, clans, but religion as such is not the problem. It is perhaps the solution.If we return to our religious roots they would respect us and we would respect ourselves and have a sense of right and wrong towards crime on their side and punish it more evenly. Modernism destroys morality and character and family and society. Of course a tight knit Muslim community with a stable culture could easily threaten to destabilize what is already in dissolution. The best way for the British to protest is not on the streets but by filling churches, reading their Bibles, getting their hearts right with God. Only positive action, not negative protest can win. Lead by example. 


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