Sonntag, 28. Juni 2020

Gay minorities have worse problems

gay black men in Atlanta, their San Francisco of the south and HIV epidemic video

I understand that minorities have a greater machismo factor and so being gay is less acceptable. I can imagine that. Church is a strong factor among blacks, latinos and they are more woorking class. My experience is that homosexuality seems more acceptable in a middle to upper class milieu generally with liberal ideas not working class poor religious environment. Also black women have enough troubles finding a mate with a decent income and are therefore more hostile due to this according to what I read. 

Asians are quite traditional and might therefore have similar problems accepting gay coming out of children, siblings, friends.

As a hetero male if I find a woman attractive I am not bothered as I am older and just looking. My wife is strong willed, hard type but grew up in conservative Russia. In a certain environment she could have become a lesbian. Now I can only speculate that some gays were absolutely born that way(even % of animals show such behaviour and though suppressed it is historical otherwise why would Moses condemn it?) and part of it is cultural so that as a teen some could go either way or become bisexual or become very confused and want to change sex through medical procedure. The latter has become highly politicized. Not being gay I don't want to offend but just give my superficiial impressions from the edge and yes definitely homophobe in sense that I don't hang with anyone who is gay but live and let live. Every subgroup needs their space. Like in the video above, in a small, conservative town it is unacceptable for a teen to even have a crush silently in this way. So one sees that making friends could be hard as everyone knows about innocent puppy love to first dates and basic sexuality is all happening spontaneously at a young age. I once read that gays have more problems with alcohol in college, etc. Bars and dating is maybe passé due to internet dating sites. Gay bars, clubs might be easier than hitting on commiltonen whose orientation is uncertain. White hetero privilege is basically a matter of normative standardization. Imagine being lefthanded and seeking tools to fix your house or having sight or hearing impairment. I have a hazel nut allergy and always stop to ask by sweets, cakes. I read that the next coming thing is polyamory, starting among liberal big city gay and bisexuals and due to internet dating. What is normal one day is old fashioned ten to twenty years later. Due to my awakening I fall in love quite easily and people get irritated at my attention so I am a rare freak minority radiating radioactive love everywhere(hetero females). So I try not to throw bricks, living myself in a glass house.

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