Sonntag, 15. November 2020

Love after 30 - The Reality

people with active social lives burn out it seems. This seems fairly relative to me. If one is naive or new to something after 30 say then this may not fit. I am more like 19th century though due to my shyness. Mostly potential relationships remained just that. I am still unsucessful in most things probably due to this aspect of social reclusiveness. No job success. How does a shy person get a great job or perform in a job to climb the career ladder? No self confidence, withdrawal into hobbies, oneself. So now I am happy with myself and healthier than ever, very late bloomer. Love women intensely but same whole life, tongue tied, go read a book, discover nature, do sports, find a hobby to develop myself. I think this is karma. Emotional energy including sexual energy is sublimated intensely into spiritual energy. If I were normal I would have had the same problems he had in the video. My life was directed inward with bare minimum in career, family friendships to fulfill skeleton structure of sufficiency to provide me with support to develop spiritually. In more traditional societies now and in our past, lots of dating, divorcing were not expected( terms like bastard, slut, skirt chaser did not appear out of thin air). Women' s independence has made for relationship instability, i.e. family life, as optional. I could go off on a tangent about how this leads to a general breakdown of culture, civilization but that is a huge topic and very broad based. Obviously old fashioned low tech cultures have tight knit family groups as subsistence providers, small farmers and are deeply religious. Marriage, sex, childbirth were all sacred rituals. Communities were small, tightly knit. How long this phase of culture with such waste, environmental destruction and morally 'neutral' behavior(recreational sex, porn) can last is a good question. Big cities, technology allow for anonymity. Before packaged foods, supermarkets, washing machines, refrigerators and freezers and cheap mass manufactured clothing female training was directed towards learning food, clothing manufacture and care as essentially a one person family production unit. Without contraceptives random dating at a young age, pre 1960s led to unwanted pregnancies, quick marriages with the wrong guy before career chances were developed, a lifetime cage. So the phrase ' making love' used to mean ' dating', getting to know someone emotionally. I tend to think that all this technology which has liberated us physically has in the end done us a disservice in many ways. One is not very cautious, does not value relationships. Consequences were much higher in earlier times and values were much different. Depth of feeling and responsibility is taken on average. But I suppose more serious guys just find girls from more traditional cultures or with a much more serious approach to the whole matter. This of course generally goes in phases. One generatiin experiments and the next one gets more conservative. Technology remains linear of course and bikinis may get more revealing or sexual availability and female independence more pronounced but maybe seriousness at the heart level, spirituality and committment could get more as kids get oversaturated and dissatisfied with what the previous generation saw as a great opportunity. IOW kids might learn from mistakes of their elders. Hopefully smart phones and porn addiction, casual internet dating will not make for even more cynical 40 year olds making such videos around 2030-2040 about how nobody could even start a relationship as guys just watched porn, did online gaming and girls were into social media and when they did get into bed they tried to reenact favorite porn scenes. This would be similar to the Rom- Cons video I posted below where people get into relationships seeing themselves as favorite movie stars like Meg Ryan, Cary Grant, Sandler or 007 but only on the mechanical level. The term ' snowflake' thrown around for the younger people has to do with lack of robustness, high fragility based on reliance oon social media and not real world experience. It seems we have transferred ever more of our experience into external media, starting with books, moving onto radio, movie screens(replacing local participatory theater), record players( instead of playing instruments at home and singing), to TV( cinema at home which started with limited fare and in the 80s went to hundrds of channels 24 hours and in every room), computers, smart phones (facebook, twitter, addictive behavior). Reality is in our heads but where are our heads? 


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