Samstag, 21. November 2020

Meditation today

 Meditation seems less a mental exercise focused on brain activity than a body sport watching, controlling energy flows. I do all the bandhas, cross my arms, look up at my crown and energy flows over hips to knees. The flow downwards over body gets warmer, I might tremble as my spine gets warmer. Afterwards I got up and mnotice neck spinal column and throat quite hot. I stare my Babaji picture in the eyes. My third eye throbs and my heart chakra gets really warm. This started yesterday. Guru Darshan I guess. Mental concentration is not the problem as I focus so much on the physical phenomena happening with increasing flows throughout the whole body making the body from crown to foot feel like a unit with uniform and ever higher energy. I never heard of this sort of meditation before. Ok towards end when it seems energy is stable then I lose myself in third eye looking upward, then forget mysel, these efforts, momentarily, become peaceful Also Babaji's heart chakra makes me peaceful.

His birthday on Nov. 30 ( year 203?)

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