Freitag, 4. Dezember 2020

Benefits of meditation/ yoga to Tai Chi

 My tai chi this morning after yesterday doing over two hours slow yoga and building up my energy through meditation practice was physically fairly loose, fluid and energetically way past what I have previously experienced. Physical balance and real control without awkwardness takes daily practice, which I don't do but yoga allows easily reaching deep positions and the stretching plus meditation has opened up my body so that energy flows circularly around body top to bottom and up again. This is now a deep sensation into muscles, happening easily over back, lower belly, buttocks, legs and is very pleasurable, relaxing. I don't do yoga flows, having learned only static poses ( almost but not exclusively) and Tai Chi replaces that and perhaps dance for me. As these are set positions, like old fashioned dance forms like waltz, ballet and not the modern freestyle to accompany pop music it takes a bit of learning beforehand and regular practice. I have been doing this over 18 years now and it is really worth the effort to have various disciplines in one' s repertoire. I have recently expanded my efforts so that my spiritual practices and nutrition habits take up more time and work, sleep leaves little time for internet, free pursuits. However the efforts are really paying off. Instead of surfing, I am making real progress. Whereas previously I would wonder what next God? now I do it myself and plan the next stage. Pedal to metal, acccelorator, full gas but controlled manner, ferrari.

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