Dienstag, 1. Dezember 2020

Full Moon Mood

 Unruly sleep, strange strong energies for this eclipse. All my malcontentment, anger channelled into strong surges. Nodal return as kundalini fireworks. Much more directed control over energy. Maybe my bad mood rubs off on others who absorb my energy but I imagine as I relax after this phase at a higher level of control such emotional intensity will be unneccessary. This is the routine of a growth spiral to new plateaus and apparently transits and astrological occurences can be clear predictors for these. Brutal hours, days actually but well worth it and the transformative growth of the last two months leading up to this. This brings more clarity. Hopefully mental focus will increase as well as energetic as I am admittedly very forgetful, unconcentrated so that anger in me, my meditation helps to get the focus that might come naturally to another.

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