Samstag, 12. Dezember 2020

Moon Conjunct Jupiter in natal chart ( my position in Taurus)

conjunctionJupiter Moon conjunct Jupiter Generosity of spirit is most evident when Moon conjuncts Jupiter in the natal chart. These people are ready to laugh, quick to forgive, and warm-hearted. Jupiter aligned with the Moon offers perspective to the emotions, so that the natives are able to reason themselves out of depression, foul moods, and the like. This perspective allows the natives to understand others unusually well. They are hospitable, kind, and forgiving. Sometimes quite opinionated, however, these people possess a strong sense of right and wrong. They can be quite impassioned about what is fair, what isn’t fair, and what everyone should do about it! When someone is down, they are the first people to jump in with support and advice. Not everyone wants to deal with their emotions in such a rational manner, however, so Moon conjunct Jupiter people can sometimes support people in a way that is not always appreciated, but their kind-hearted approach is generally well-received.

These people have a sense of humor that makes them a joy to be around. They are also very intuitive. Their hunches and premonitions are often right on target. As such, they can have a reputation for being quite “lucky”. It’s not necessarily psychism that is at the root of this, however. It is more about an expansive understanding of human nature and the world around them. These are very generous people who respond in big ways to others, sometimes overdoing it to the point that they try to please everyone around them. It is interesting that these people who are so very charitable and forgiving can sometimes come across as a bit preachy. The reason behind it is that their emotional natures (Moon) work hand-in-hand with their higher minds (Jupiter). Jupiter is very grand and good-spirited, but it is also a planet that rules the concept of right and wrong. These people make excellent teachers and they are often interesting story-tellers. There is a strong attachment to the past, to history, and to cultures of the world.

Some Famous People with Moon conjunct Jupiter: Angelina Jolie, Helen Hunt, Alice Cooper, Clint Black, Robert Urich, Bob Dylan, Al Gore, Andy Griffith, Barbara Hershey, Merv Griffin, Prince William, Louis Riel, Venus Williams

end quote- my personal experience

This balances out my venus conjunct saturn which makes serious, depressive, shy. (saturn rules capricorn, jupiter rules sag). Between the two conjunctions lies a quintile aspect meanig that my seriousness to emotions, sexual relations( venus) is creatively boosted by a very expansive and optimistic jupiter ruling my subconscious. Otherwise if I just had one of these aspects alone I would be perhaps too depressive, lonely or n the other hand uselessly happy without end results. It my take long years however to get results when a horoscope is so complexly aligned, fine tuned. High wire balancing act needs lots of training.

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