Samstag, 19. Dezember 2020

Tai chi added to Unesco intangible cultural heritage list, 12 years after China first applied for recognition of the ancient martial art

I just happened to add a video of world championship a couple days ago. In the intuition video from yesterday a caller into the radio broadcast describing synchronicities that occurred in his life. I think this counts as one. How would I know about Unesco application? I have been doing tai chi since 2002. I saw some video that said the higher your vibration the more you attract things like synchronicities. I started meditating a couple months ago in line with a low carb diet and intermittent fasting plus intensifying my yoga practice and the energy flow during tai chi has really gone upwards. Used to be that internal flows and health is all I would care about but nowadays I know that this higher balance aids in relationships energies ( we are like a transmission tower for TV at high energy levels very fine tuned) and in synchronicities. I presumr these are just some sort of mind reading of which only our subconscious taps into at lower frequencies that our conscious daily awareness does not perceive. Tai chi is good, fun. I encourage all to try it. 

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