Sonntag, 21. Februar 2021

Meditation and Consciousness States Developments Practical Ideas

 Through meditation I have been gradually feeling my crown chakra more and outside of meditation time too and this brings a more concentrated peace, like a feeling that you might relate to this being the contact with God.  Watching the video below on 5 ideas to deepen meditation he mentions see ing a light, feelings and kechari( tongue to palate).  I put my tongue up usually but today tried harder further back. This increases energy, focus. Also I can notice a small blue or white point in the visual focus. I focused more and upwards today and near end of meditation, last ten minutes perhaps the entire visual field got rather bright, light, not dark( eyes are closed). So feelings of God contact to bring peace is step one. Step two visual cortex control. As I go about my daily routine I might visualize things from past or possibilities, wishes. If I learn to focus my visual cortex on this constant peaceful light from meditation I will be more in control, not randomly distracted. Next I suppose are other senses of sound( concentrate on Om perhaps) and tactile, smell, and then internal chatter. So stepwise calming mind/ body/ sensory complex to focus on basics of peace( om, white light, peace). I read about deep sleep consciousness being step beyond dream lucidity. If life is a dream(senses awareness in wake or sleep as similar) then getting to the peaceful state allows to get past dream awareness as if you are aware during waking time as in a dream, then dreams will be unneccesary and you will go to deep sleep and see light and hear om, feel peace.  I speculate but it is a roadmap to work on. 

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