Samstag, 27. Februar 2021


 I have little time in the week to watch all the videos I post but use days off like today to look at them. The state of knowledge or opinion in various disciplines is interesting to hear. I keep learning from my own experiences as well. Nobody can be expert in everything so specialization is necessary for optimal benefit. Many seem to me to scratch at the surface. Westerners in general have so much intensity but scatterbrained approach to reality. Building on the shoulders of giants is more a multimillenial matter whereas we assume the last several hundred years of discovery and the last decades to century of science are the peak of experience. Knowing facts is ok but experiencing transformation quite another. Skepticism vs blind faith, drug self experiments or memtal meditation, scientific research on biological processes are all paths our culture takes. Eastern schools have direct initiatory routes but we reject plunging in as modern intelligent skeptics, scientists, even athletes who try everything. Discoveries are constantly made but who can remember or catalogue every remedy, food, herb, posture, practice. Even in Asian practices one is limited by time and knowledge. Eventually in all advanced schools one reaches certain states by various routes, say of high enlightenment, old age at high vigour, perhaps in some schools of study incredible powers of martial skills or yogic powers or meditative brain states which Western science, medicine, athletic prowess consider unfathomable. Even watching all the videos regarding our struggle with creating a new balance between our evolving technological civilization and nature reveals a race of our minds to understand and control processes that we ourselves trigger, control in an endless feedback loop based on civilizational cycles. Getting too emotionally involved in current arguments about our current state of existence as a human society probably is an error. News junky, doomer porn addict, end times theorist were various parts of me in the past, looking for the future. Before that I was into health and yoga. I have come back to personal life intensification. It seems to be cyclical seesaw between interests. The deeper one goes in one area the deeper it seems one understands other areas. Less surprises one over time after having attained general experience and maturity and greater knowledge. Age and boredom, cynicism should not be the cause of lack of interest. Seeing younger people reinvent the wheel should not make one inattentive to possible unique new strategies available. Nobody has ever finished learning. Subjective experience however can be just as important, living from inside to a deeper level. I dreamt an episode apparently connected by memory to a previous dream. It seems to me as I think of it that all dreams are just as present in memory as our waking memories but we must be in the dream brain wave state to remember our dreamscapes. So we have a real alternate self just as real to explore. This self helps us deal with the waking reality, process it. Somewhere in our brain a databank of dream memories is there, whether we recalled those memories shortly after waking or not. I suppose our cells all have memories. How to really experience esoteric experiences like past lives, out of body states, etc is a discipline just as worthy of consideration as sports, arts, sciences. Mental and physical and energetic controls help acheive this knowledge. We even can make intuitive discoveries of universal scientific, medicinal, musical, artistic or physiological discoveries from dream or meditative states. Whether we have godly visions, dreams or intuitive impulses the principle is similar. Subjectivity should be taught in combination with objectivity at equal depths. If I study my inner self and have a subject of professional specialization in any area then personal enlightenment will likely lead to betterment of humanity through new discoveries which will help society or our evolution. Enlightenment as a goal in and of itself might seem like a religious dead end to the materialist. Maybe the East got into a dead end of sorts. Our interest in external reality can help balance that but this works both ways. My horoscope transits also recently show themselves in daily experience. When I experience deep emotions and then notice personal planets strongly effected it shows we are just like electrical circuits. Trying to ride these waves of feelings with some sort of control and awareness is hard. Getting into deeper layers is important for that. But then inner peace is not the inevitable result. I just feel that much more violently, from the core of my being. So no, nonreactive total inner peace is not there all the time although meditation brings techniques, habits to carry this over when needed, I mostly engage myself. My brain gets heated, peaceful and I bring this into my other chakras. I guess yogis lived in caves to remove that stress while practising. I sit on a daily volcano of feelings like anybody else. Ups and downs of emotions like female cycles have to be managed by nutrition, sports, meditation and experience and as experience and energy, states of feeling or consciousness deepen we keep pushing the envelope a bit, always bored, never accepting old trot of just last week' s normal. IOW keep growing.

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