Montag, 22. März 2021

Robert Frost Fire and Ice plus parodies

some add old Earth may end in gales,

some mud or flood.
From what one sees, man, off the rails,
acts blind, facts bind guilt wracked, bewails
black luck, back muddied thinking, bud,
then plug's pulled, glug-glug, viral bug
cuts off prime time as heavy thud
ends tug of war with pull of rug,
dreams, ventures dud.

Fire and Ice
Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To know that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.

Robert FROST 1874_1963 Initial Publication Harper’s December 1920

Muffins and Cape
Some say the world will end in muffins,
Some say in cake.
From what I know of belly-stuffins,
We all could get obese on muffins.
But if we say “For heaven’s sake,
my life is more than what I eat, ”
I think that for enjoyment cake
Is yummy, sweet,
And no mistake.

Parody Author Unknown

Remixing Fire and Ice
Sometimes I think my mind is fire.
Sometimes ice.
From what I've tasted of creation,
I often crave self-immolation.
But if I had to crumble twice,
To chance a stagnant mental state,
On learning how to melt the ice.
The risk is great,
But would suffice.
Chris Cloke

Cake and Cheese
Some say my meals should end in cake,
Some say in cheese.
If like the one grandmothers make,
I'd side with those who favour cake.
But if it is not one of these
And biscuits taste more savoury
my choice is cheese
if flavoury.
pseud David [edited JR 20100405]

End in Trash
Some say the world will end in trash,
Some say in spam.
From what I've seen of spending cash,
I think I have to favor trash.
But if there is a traffic jam
As alternate demises clash,
Then which one will claim the blame,
Piles of junk or piles of scam?
Jay J P Scott

Plum and Grape
Some people search the aisle for plum,
Some shop for grape.
The expeditions I have done
Have largely rallied round the plum;
But if the stocker boy was late,
To leave me fruitless with my cart,
And not a plum to grace my plate,
I've got some smarts,
I'd gulp a grape.
Don J Carlson

Wire and Vise
The world, some say, is hung on wire,
Or held in vise.
When freedom lifts the soul like fire,
I seem inspired to glide, with wire.
But see the bondage in man's eyes
As Earth's companions he enslaves
To find expression in the vise,
The way it holds a frozen rage:
The vise is nice.

Don J Carlson
 Thursday, June 27, 2013

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