Sonntag, 25. April 2021

Psychic Color Meditation Jains

Color meditation

Preksa Meditation Jains

I had downloaded a lot of books at onto my tablet and was clicking through them to get the feel and I read the second link above. I noticed generally during meditation visual field color or brightness changes. The Jains have theories whereby lighter colors are more beneficial in this regard and a meditation method, Preksa and Lesya( color). Endocrine system is supposed to get cleansed as you move from blaclk to blue to yellow to white and from anger to happiness respectively. So spiritual and biological concepts are mixed as the technique is 20th century development. 

Trying out my meditation this morning I focused on that aspect but noticed three basic aspects of meditation:

1. Body energy sensations - energy flow through body, musculature increases in intensity, depth during the time of meditation and from session to session. Body can get hot, even sweaty.

2. Mental calm gradation - one is at first lost a bit in one's daily worries but gradually more calm as brain waves( presumably) smooth out. This is the standard talk of meditation in popular writing for the general public uninitiated into energy techniques.

3. Visual field perception - concentrating on 3rd eye directly in front or crown chakra by casting eyes upward the sight is dark with closed eyes but turns lighter in places over time from middle to edges then the whole field proceeding to dark blue and over to becoming very bright light filling whole field. At one point I noticed violet, pink, ecven orangish I thought. The correspondence to energy sense in body and parts is clear so that it seems flow of energy through chakras, i.e. glands or endocrine system , is purifying while heating up the chakras and producing visual changes, i.e. chemical reactions which react with the visual cortex. The focus on these techniques in tandem accelerates progress presumably in both as one can better measure one' s progress in general if one has a measuring stick. My energy sense in muscles, necks, hips, etc deepens and calmness may increase as well. However visual sense is a large part of the brain as well as general feelings. Perhaps hearing of Om or other sensory organs like nose and taste will come along as wel after I attain greater control over these perceptions over time.

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