Donnerstag, 16. Dezember 2021

Gloria Jean Watkins leading black feminist author dies( Bell Hooks is pen name) 

this perhaps to contrast with Jordan Peterson interview below
when she talks abstractions like patriarchy I don' t understand but saying later that men sharing love and not power is what women really want is what I really get as this is what I am best of all at, always being powerless and having learned affection which I feel is universal to acheive modest ends in daily life, though it comes so seemingly effortlessly for even the most brutal ( at times) of women( cue my wife), while I sit incompetently misunderstanding of the unspoken but apparent needs of those around me. So the battle of the sexes continues, talking past one another, dirty socks on the floor, etc to divorce court when a smile might heal everything. One can' t help admire such inspirational people like Bell Hooks and Peterson who through differing lenses get people thinking more deeply about life. Unfortunately they both seem to be as if lined up in court or on a battlefield. I understood from reading that matriarchal cultures were rare. Women had no fixed partner and inheritance is through her brother. Perhaps no property rights exist either. This is impractical since cattle breeding spawned mass property rights and warring tribes. Violence became preeminent survival power and insensitivity of men perhaps unfortunately inherited as only the most brutal got the women and passed on genes. Perhaps accordingly they would have liked the most passive and affectionate women. So sexual steretypes post Eden became entrenched genetically. Nowadays we have a chance to loosen this a bit though I suspect the comedy of my situation as the mild mannered youngest son and permanently henpecked husband of a tough minded oldest daughter existed throughout history, otherwise balance could never have been acheived. The alpha male cannot take all the women as revolution will surely follow. So monogamy was instituted. First came matriarchy, then extreme alpha male patriarchy, then life long or serial monogamy based on religion. Some now attempt to sell polyamory but this is 90% polygamy. Also tinder and co help only the alpha males as women are very choosy and these few men seem to get lots of dates while others are left alone. I have read sparsely on these subjects. A few google searches or listening to professors like Hooks and Peterson could prove me wrong. It is at any rate a fascinating topic.

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