Dienstag, 14. Dezember 2021

Sustainable Bikini Haul

Since women buy clothes so much, sustainability is crucial. Is it really true? Cotton uses lots of groundwater and perhaps questionable labor practices. Global CO2 growth is due to wastefulness in discard of cheap goods, cheap air travel and similar. One hears in the video how she has a love affair with shape, form, feel of the product. Maybe a return to custom made at home would allow a growth in creativity which many women are missing doing desk jobs, having controlled clothing and food manufacture up untiI very recently. I have read how having people on farms, making 90%  or more of products at home eliminates cash economy and makes more resilient, self sufficient, less dependent on imports. This could slow pace of life, make people more creative, family centered and happy. Industry would go broke but the planet would be saved. As she says bikinis can be very " cheeky" nowadays. If it were my daughter I suppose I would be embarassed to see her in it. Times change however and less material is expected over time. Is this empowerment or are women enticing men? Who is to say. As women have more rights and responsibilities they should be allowed more leeway in certain areas. Basic morality changes little. Most expect monogamy, faithfulness,etc. Men on the beach look but don' t touch. Enjoyment and appreciation and respect are mutual. In any culture sociopathy or evil intention can prevail whether in burkas or bikinis. Evil lies in the human heart as well as good. 

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