Montag, 13. Dezember 2021

Twin Flame Cult Culture 

I had looked at this superficially before but this sounds bad. Women in abusive marriages have romantic fantasies of men who put out restraining orders against them. The women are encouraged by the Twin Flame cult like ideology. I recall that medieval spirituality gave way to romanticism ( guinevere and lancelot) which was lampooned in Don Quixote who had precisely this type of relationship with an ugly farm girl he had imagined as a beautiful noble woman. Later Western culture switched from a focus on religious belief and church centered music to romantic songs This continues to the present with most pop music having a romantic theme. The New Age movement which discusses reincarnation and soul energies has come about due to the renewed religious interest exploring Hinduism and buddhism. Combined with Romanticism we have a potent new cult of tantric love for the masses. Perhaps this will catch on. Tens of millions practice yoga, meditation, buddhism or wicca but their western romantic culture remains embedded in them. IOW they have extreme trouble worshipping fully indian gods or goddesses and becoming absorbed in mantras and guru worship. Too many cult leaders have left catastrophes in their wake of broken lives. So this new mixed religion using a soulmate as a divine god or goddess is coming into being. Westerners are fairly agnostic/ atheistic so they believe what they see/ feel. One feels love and devotion for another person. This can be very intense and help in spiritual growth or to get through hard times or motivate us as anyone knows who has fallen in love. But combining this love with religious devotion, karmic certainties of soul destiny can stabilize and increase this feeling. IOW otherwise one goes through cynicism of the cycle of sexual attraction to boredom. Belief intensifies love. If one finds a partner equally willing to believe then this can work true miracles for a relationship.I tend to think I could get on with anyone given the chance but that of course it is easier with some due to compatibility, similar life paths and energy/personality( horoscope useful here). From what I read of moon nodal astrology if someone' s personal planets are conjunct your nodes this could mean they were with you in another life, perhaps a previous lover. This can justify such thinking as astrology at least has a rational basis. If I feel strongly for someone very consistently and this is reciprocal often it seems our horoscopes align well and this is not fakeable if birth data is correct. It is unfortunately hard for people to distance themselves from feelings and see this phenomenon objectively. I cry my eyes out lovesick enough but I am realistic. Love takes time to develop, is hard work, needs devotion, belief, faith, openness, commitment. I notice how family horoscopes overlap a lot, child to parent, in noncoincidental ways. Kids resemble parents like in looks. Maybe this twin flame thing is escapist. Every horoscope pair has negatives. Squares and oppositions are inevitable. So permanently arguing in one life area switches off with being good in another area( perhaps sex, cooking, discussing politics.) If this natural stress becomes too much as modern life is too hectic to work around natural differences then we might seek another pertner, imagining perfection or feeling fulfillment in an area missing with the current partner. Ideally of course in a community we have various partners for various needs. A good motherly wife at middle age and a secret young lover and mates to share a beer and sports with as well as kids we can open up our warmest instincts for. This is called culture in Europe. Perhaps American culture has gotten destroyed through destruction of commmunity, extended families, and been replaced by an online transnational community which survives through ideologies( twin flame). So we need to rationalize our desire to have an affair in a different more modern way which in a small farming community of the past would have been quite natural and spontaneous. Anyway since our global village is bringing us closer and Eastern religion is renewing our acquaintance with our internal spiritual energies we can grow as humanity in this new direction. I am not cynical about this movement, rather I have worked so intensely on it that I think I have gotten to a level others will reach later generally as it is my area of expertise due to some fluke of karma. I think we can all reach out to one another and learn to love one another now due to technology, on a global level. This new opportunity confuses people. After some years or decades of practicing soul love platonically for dozens of partners in one' s endless search for Mr. or Mrs. Right Soulmate, billions of people will become more open perhaps to god in everyone.

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