Donnerstag, 2. Juni 2022

Transiting North Node Conjunct Jupiter 

I am experiencing my fourth return, ages 3, 21, 39 and now 57. It seems to be having a positive effect in meditation. I believe I am acheiving more focus, samadhi type experience, grace, flow, what have you. This after 27 years of yoga and various spiritual practices. Energy stabilizes in various chakras like heart, etc as one learns. Now my upper chakra seems stable and calm along with my thoughts and feelings, not seeking anything. This seems to fit Patanjali sutras citti vritti nirodha. Bija or nirbija means with or without seed. IOW I did years of painful adjustments, like having psychoanalysis, to root out neurotic core elements. " The Body Keeps the Score" discusses this I have heard. It really does. Discipline and habit bring results. This is like in sport. Perfection of performance is a real slog and takes time. Maybe I am reaching first camp before Everest climb. So advanced beginner maybe. I hope I stay disciplined and fit enugh so that in 18 years, at 75, by the next north node conjunct Jupiter I will be at a high level. 

Anyone with planets in taurus will now or soon have strong effects




who would have suspected, a shadow planet could effect us so strongly?

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