Freitag, 23. September 2022

Neural Synchronization Predicts Partnership Happiness More than Personality 

I think the first point in the article was to ask whethher opposites attract or do similarities make life easier? Obviously opposites are complementary, strong vs gentle, etc and similarities are in the comfort zone. But anyone can grow apart no matter how similar and very difficult partners can learn respect. The key is the brain waves it seems. These are connected by lots of quality time and genuine effort on both sides. As an analogy from politics there is a generational theory that big conflicts erupt every 4 generations as people become separated from other groups, misunderstand others due to a lack of intense effort to understand the other. So conflict and its resolution forms a basis of understanding. We should not accept the easy path but use conflict constructively. Marriage battles, like those on the field can end in a peaceful resolution.Then we see eye to eye, but with lots of broken plates and bruised egos. We understand ourselves best by comparison with others. Lots of honest contacts keep us honest to ourselves, flexible. 

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