Dienstag, 29. November 2022

Milan Wiki


Abbey Road Album Story


Journey to Hell - Path to Self Knowledge


Biopiracy - Nature for Sale


Science of Thanfulness and Forgiveness


Societal Collapse with Blackout


New Zealand


Bringing Aspen Back to Scotland


Nonlinear Dynamics - Understanding Differential Equations


Montag, 28. November 2022

Gaia Hypothesis - Is Earth Alive


SE Asia's First High Speed Rail


Seratonin vs Dopamine Pleasure vs Happiness


Why Mongols Wanted to Conquer the World


Synthetic Diamonds


Posing a Couple for Photograph


Importance of City Alleyways


How Slow Reading Can Change Your Brain


Sonntag, 27. November 2022

Chinese Soft Power Problem

This sounds like previous videos below. PRC invests 10 billion per year on soft power culture, which is full of ideological overtones, like in soviet union, similar to Zuck's ten billion annual investment in metaverse, as he wants it. In general West has better soft power, although lots of censorship from the left is now stifling this in media giants.  Independent artists with own fan bases and self censoring traditional manner for obscenity, human decency, etc as since thousands of years is better. A Democratic or CCP party line in a pop song in USA or China will not sell. Imagine a MAGA song or the Woke films with a perfect mixture of races, ethnicities and sexes spouting sterile dialogue. America's soft power is declining due to this as well as China' s soft power not growing. But I presume that preeminent now is political crisis, which takes precedence over everything else in societies until a post crisis era allows us to relax and like in the 50s to 70s or 80s lots of creative energy to blossom.

Being a Decent Human Being is a Great Marketing Strategy

I remember the old Hollywood joke " If you can fake being genuine, you've got it made". I look at the metaverse's soullessness and lack of success as stemming from Zuck' s coldness in comparison to Taylor's warmth and success. Taylor for Prez.

East Asian Decolonisation Explained


You Tube Creator Economy


Parasitic Mind Control


Xi'an China by Drone


Pagannini - La Campanella


Kybalion Audiobook


Decline of KFC


Titanium - David Guetta, Sia

Stephen King Plot Video

Samstag, 26. November 2022

Airbnb vs Hotels


Facebook, IOS14, Ad Revenue Pronblems and Metaverse Explained / Metaversa Money Pit


HowJapan Prepared for WWII


Dental Implantsnot as Good as Teeth


Diet and Mental Health


Myth of Chinese Debt Trap in Africa


Raven or Crow?


Making Raspberry Perfume


Rid Liver Fat


Fleetwood Mac Hits


Freitag, 25. November 2022

Donnerstag, 24. November 2022



Golden Ratio


Cat Vocalizations


Ottomans as Roman Dynasty


Bantu Origins


Ancient Sardinia


Ultrasound Contra Cancer


Turkish Delights


Tree syrup


Montag, 21. November 2022

Medieval Mead


Favorite Art Supplies


Most People Live Here


Flood Myth






Beatles Song Writing Skills


8 Billion People


Hans Zimmer


Sonntag, 20. November 2022

Man Meets Angel While Dead, Learns Nature of Universe as Love, Becomes Energy Healer




You're Not Stupid: How to Easily Learn Difficult Things


Human Origins Updates from South African Discoveries


Climbing Kilimanjaro


Montreal Walk


Arte France Concert - Cigarettes After Sex


Parrot Cover of Creep by Radiohead


Dreamtime and the Seven Sisters(Pleiades) - World's Oldest Story 100,000 years old


Baghdad History


Freitag, 18. November 2022

Buddhist Wisdom for Inner Peace




Eastern Pacific Cooling, Not Heating!


Bukowski bio


Debussy with Impressionists


Lana del Rey aka Lizzy Grant album


Indian Palaces


The World is a Projection of the Mind Ramana Maharshi


Donnerstag, 17. November 2022

Making Friends




Planet X


Cranberries Hits


Subtle Performance


Future of Wind Energy


Italy's Hill Towns


Western Values


Canada Lynx


Dienstag, 15. November 2022

Benefits of Sleeping by Partner


Shift Work and Relationships


Worst Case Scenarios


Home Drip Irrigation


Black Holes






Greenland Vikings


Food Commmercial Costs


Buddhist Hells


Sonntag, 13. November 2022

Donnerstag, 10. November 2022

Balance Sacral Chakra


Splits and straddles relaxes me. It stretches all along the body, to heart, head too. I can better feel someone's energy, chakras if they are in such a position which I observe or do it regularly. Also this goes for me too. My chakras open up due to such extreme poses. During such a pose if I am with a partner or thinking of them, observing them I feel them stronger at that moment. It follows then that if both partners are very flexible and even do such poses together they will open up to each other more, share energy.  Similar to be expected from meditation, prana exercises. They say " the family that prays together, stays together". This counts for all sorts of common hobbies in general. Yoga and its adjuncts are particularly good however at bonding. One might expect talk of tantra from me here but that is unneccessary. Platonic relationship grow stronger just as well by growing separately and sharing energy generally through chakra work, which is intensely physical. 

Rescue Rats


Alain Delon


Mapping Earth


Structure of the Universe


Jesus a Magician?


Creation Myths


Past Lives


Shamanic Drumming Ancestral


Montag, 7. November 2022



Heavenly Celtic Music Instruments


How did Lewis and Clarke Know Where to Go?


Retro- Causality


Tolkein's Philosophy


War in Sumer


Why is Emergence Significant?


Understanding Metals


Indian Caste System


Sonntag, 6. November 2022

Appalachian Breakfast


Why All Mosques Look the Same


Lithium Gone?


Kierkegard and Existentialism

Great summary. Intense life story. I think we nowadays would really get this philosophy. From Ironic youth to ethical adulthood to individual devotion, leaving organized religion for spirituality, this is highly modern. I am glad to have the time to absorb this. The difference between ethical rules and religion in "fear and trembling"is significant to me as well as the difference between eros and agape, individual attraction vs. universal love of a religious figure out of duty.

Japanese Flute


From coca to Cocaine


Slavery History


2 Weeks in Japan


Donnerstag, 3. November 2022