Donnerstag, 10. November 2022

Balance Sacral Chakra

Splits and straddles relaxes me. It stretches all along the body, to heart, head too. I can better feel someone's energy, chakras if they are in such a position which I observe or do it regularly. Also this goes for me too. My chakras open up due to such extreme poses. During such a pose if I am with a partner or thinking of them, observing them I feel them stronger at that moment. It follows then that if both partners are very flexible and even do such poses together they will open up to each other more, share energy.  Similar to be expected from meditation, prana exercises. They say " the family that prays together, stays together". This counts for all sorts of common hobbies in general. Yoga and its adjuncts are particularly good however at bonding. One might expect talk of tantra from me here but that is unneccessary. Platonic relationship grow stronger just as well by growing separately and sharing energy generally through chakra work, which is intensely physical. 

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