Mittwoch, 28. Dezember 2022

Third Eye Opening Effects

Generalizations. Everyone has different 'gifts of the spirit' as Paul describes in his epistles. I think it is like in x men film where each has a different superpower. This would just be a higher development of normal personality based on horoscope. I notice that some spiritual teachers books which promise very specific results if you just follow their method, really is very specific to their horoscope. They arre very lucky or can see angels, dream visions consistently, heal wiith hands, etc. After thinking" wow I have done similar practice for decades and never heard any sounds, nor had visions r healed anyone " I then look up the author's birth date, make a horoscope chart and notice very specific and unusual unique qualities inherent to this person. I bet Michael Jordan, Prince, Leonard Bernstein have quite interesting faculties just from reading their horoscopes, which they had luck to be able to develop fully. The same goes for spiritual faculties. Anyone can open up chakras but nobody will experience the same end results.


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