Dienstag, 25. Juli 2023

Democracy vs Representative government

I have not seen this so clearly described before. Obviously filtering power through reps who needs be are an upper wealthy class will only advantage them. In effect such a system in a time of instant communications could easily be replaced with imediate democracy. Even companies could be democratic. Capitalism and representative systems are similar. The very idea of meritocratic systems means like in Darwin letting the best win. Biologically this sounds good. It sounds like a good balance between idealized democracy, pure chaos of populismus, and a pure dictatorship of wealth. In effect though, over time, those with wealth propagate this towards their own. Only when technological change allows growth and radical change do people without get a chance, as they might get a turn at having, due to luck or special skills. In modern industrialism we have experimented with representative government. After industrialism we will return to agrarian societies. This is inevitable as fossil fuels are not limitless. With 1000 effective slaves per average person due to fossil fuels we are only arguing wealth distribution. Imagine a one time gold mine. There is a gold rush. Some get more than others. This is modern life till the oil, coal, gas run out. Billionaires simply have greater access to the temporary bonanza. However everyman is 100 times wealthier than Caesar or Pharoah. Fresh out of season produce, cheap manuffactured goods, warm running water, modern medicine, literacy, books, electronic entertainment. When Saudi, Russian, American oil wells run dry all of this will be rare. Representative systems just funnel wealth. In preindustrial times just before the industrial revolution where coal had been used and a general concept of manufactures and economic concepts were known but all based on manual labor in the 18th century this was the cusp to change. Without the steam engine, coal industrialism, followed by petroleum industrialism we might have had a slower trajectory of our current systems based on using wood forests of USA, Canada and Russia, in the same way as Rome had done in the mediterranean and Gaul before and the middle ages later on had exploited land and water resources. We have overpopulated and overexploited the earth. This video is communistic. Ecological life is darwinistic or exploitative or communistic, depending on your society but in the end the earth is unique and limited as are our lives. We must turn inwards. They quote Einstein as having said you cannot solve a problem at the level it was created. Spirituality is the level above materialism. This is not just religion, mindless dumb belief in fairy tales, but rather transformative personal evolutionary change. You become the gold mine, oil well, infinite energy, power source, direct line to God. This is direct democracy.

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