Freitag, 13. Oktober 2023

Broader Historical Middle East Perspective

He starts by describing ethnic cleansing of jews and christians from muslim countries and how 700,000 palestinians in palestine, Israel are now 7 million. So this is a broad look at the whole picture from a middle standpoint.

I watched the whole video and have a broader understanding of the Israeli standpoint and who are Palestinian Arabs( Egyptian, etc. work immigrants to British Palestine from the first half of the twentieth century). The perspective of Israelis that Arab countries are backwards, undemocratic, brutal is clear. He compares them to Europe at the time of the religious wars hundreds of years ago. We Europeans were definitely rural, uneducated, superstitious, religiously bigoted back then. Mass education, urbanization was a very slow process. This is the case everywhere. People live in cities, have fewer children, discuss politics. The ideas about women's rights or gay rights is even latest topic. Civilizational progress is a moving target. I have myself come to the belief that too much progress is regressive. People need religious and family values or they lose life purpose and become decadent or lazy and unproductive. From observing this video I would say that settling a Middle Eastern country like Israel is impracticable in the face of such intransigent opposition of muslim nationalists. They are perhaps strongly muslim and nationalist precisely because this is the phase one goes through initially when leaving simple rural life and urbanizing and educating the masses. Ideology and sense of belonging transfers from clan and village and custom to the abstract of religion and state. The next phase might be educated cosmopolitanism as seen in the West. This phase might take a century or more while meanwhile the West, having lost all sense of purpose, goes into utter decline. Meanwhile the Arab world will blossom like Baghdad in the 8th century with a flowering of science, filling a vacuum which the decline of the west makes inevitable. So I speculate. Russia has similarly gone through a civilizational phase of urbanization and communism(their sort of religion) and then decline to now be renewed. Turkey has seen a similar cycle of empire to secular nationalism and renewed religiosity. Nothing lasts forever. The vlogger here does not mention the religious renewal in Israel, the religious right, who are also a part of this cycle and a big part of the problem. 

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