Mittwoch, 11. Oktober 2023

Extremist Politics in Israel and Ukraine

I was reading up on Israeli policies towards palestinians, passport, working, residency permits vs. Jews even those born abroad, as opposed to Palestinians with long term roots there and considering current European immigration discusssions regarding naturalization and work permits the situation has lots of similarities. Jews are favored in all cases for passports, work, residency. 

Elections in Europe are starting to trend against immigration as larger percentages of local populations are gradually becoming nonlocals in all countries, making locals feel uncomfortable. Foreigners have more children, less education generally. The difference in Israel is that Jewish people settled there displacing Palestinians and in total with gaza and West Bank are already half the population. Their birth rate has slowed. I have not looked at work, residency, naturalization laws globally but I assume that I cannot just up and go to Thailand, India, Australia, Ecuador and get a job, passport. Concepts of nationality are generally tied to ethnicity, language, birth place. In America we similarly displaced natives and moved onto their lands. But then we had a liberal imigration policy and lots of land. Israelis are literally paranoid about physical survival on a small strip of land. This is the result of centuries of persecution. Childhood trauma can do a lot but centuries of such trauma... 

Land attachment is a big deal, climate, weather, vegetation takes a hold on you. They restarted hebrew language from scratch, quite admirable. I recall the book of Exodus, how they first lived in Palestine, moved to Egypt for 4 centuries then came back and over a long period fought various inhabitants until they had pushed them all out. That was three millenia back and is now being repeated. I looked at the map to see population density, size of Gaza. It is really small. Israel is similarly small when you consider the Arab world as a whole. Obviously hebrew, Arabic, Aramaic, philistine, phoenician were all related tongues. Like Latin all died out or changed. Peoples intermingled. Those who identify physically as Jews, Egyptians, Syrians, Turks, etc. have God only knows what bloodlines. Many former lineages of Jews mixed with locals and disappeared. This continues today.  Others marry in to the faith. 

I would have to study history of Palestine to know who they are, local Arabs naturally, long time inhabitants. If they were there nearly two thousand years that is longer than many peoples, like the English or Americans in particular. Perhaps they are better suited to a rural lifestyle in an Arab world and the Jewish people are more the cosmopolitans who would be at home in big Western cities of America. Many liberal highly educated youth will emigrate out of fear, leaving conservative orthodox to fight for the land. Perhaps they will win long term. Religious conservatives in both religions will fight to the death perhaps for centuries while others move on. Like James Joyce abandoning Ireland and the stale deathhold of Catholicism killing his soul. Christianity tried to renew Judaism, Martin Luther to renew Catholicism, the Enlightenment to renew middle ages culture. 

I returned home to visit after a quarter century and found the climate, soil, trees as in my memory. My childhood was revived. Still, there was nothing in Alaska for me to do and so I had made a life abroad. Everyone must decide for himself in the end how he identifies. I took up yoga, remain nominally Catholic, it being honorable belief system of my father, my children were baptized but we do not attend church. My new faith is much deeper. My ethnicity disappeared in a mixture, my language as well.

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