Donnerstag, 19. Oktober 2023

Jupiter in Taurus 2023-4 / Jupiter Conjunct Uranus in Taurus April 20-21 2024

Since this conjunction is conjunct my Jupiter/ moon conjunction I thought I might post something on it. It seems generally very lucky, prosperous. Maybe I should buy a lottery ticket on that day! Since all my planets are in a tight formation of a rectangle they wil all be affected in trine, sextile for most and quintile for venus/saturn, septile for mercury and 30/150 degrees for nodes. No big change is good at nearly sixty. Mostly I experience big internal energy shifts nowadays by full moons, etc. 1988, 2000, 2012 were my last Jupiter returns but of course without Uranus conjunct. I had kriya yoga initiation in 1999, 2000. 1988 I was petering out on my studies and then left USA for good. 2011-12 I was living in a newly built house just recently and working for the first time in my current type of job, so that was a big physical change. So this sort of thing is general and not to the exact day but rather a gradual process. This is in my fifth house of creativity. Waiting for what will happen on that specific day, especially for big outer planets is silly. How has life been developing in such a direction of jupiter in concrete material pogress? Are your plans coming to fruition? Of course unexpected events might happen as the one article suggests. If you let superficial materialism dominate you then you might miss out. Of course Jupiter in Taurus deal with this but I had a lot of that already so I am looking for my body to transform more spiritually. Jupiter is also in charge of such. And certain age needs certain results. Young people expect a good job, later on perhaps a house or baby so that each time Jupiter returns a different life phase is to be warranted at twelve year intervals (12,24,36,48,60). This is nearly directly at my Saturn return so I am quite serious in mood. 

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