Donnerstag, 12. Oktober 2023

When You Date Someone Lower than Your Status

I recall me and my wife's economic and social status, age, intellects were all quite similar. Both immigrants speaking a foreign language and coming from similar countries. So this all worked out very well. If I had been with a local born person I might have been lower status in their eyes. I had a small office job and she was a nurse at a nursing home. We both had legal status to stay in the country. Age was same so music, film, historical experience were same. Looks were average and height difference the normal between the sexes. Since online sorting out this has become a nightmare for people. All women seek Mr. 1%. Money, looks, height. Like looking for a job, 10 years management experience at 30 years old. Overqualified, underqualified, sorting people out. My wife told me how a friend of the family, an engineer, a bit older, 40s , got rejected for his job application, went around to visit, they liked him personally and hired him. 

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