Sonntag, 17. Dezember 2023

Feminism vs. Patriarchy Discussion

In certain situations this sort of balances out. My wife is more mechanical, technical getting this from her father obviously, while I am inept mechanically. She expects me to repair things but I demur and my son, who shares her traits, takes it on. I see the whole subject in more complex ways. She is oldest daughter, therefore is more assertive, self confident and has greater leadership capability. Also personality in terms of horoscope or however one wishes to analyze it plays a role. My pisces softness is not good at STEM subjects but rather arts, sports. Virgo for example might be good accountants or similar. This male/female dichotomy is very limiting. My Mars is in virgo so I like to do cleaning, office work, organize things like my books. Mars placement might indicate career choice and then sex could limit this( female bricklayers?). Perhaps examine parental careers and birth placement( youngest, middle, single child). IOW people nowadays are totally fixated, at least public figures, on arguing about a couple issues, race, sexual equality and equity ad infinitum. We have to go beyond all that, namely legislating quotas based on this to other background issues. Maybe if one examined jobs, one would find that those employed in certain areas had certain characteristics. Doctors had parents who were doctors or mechanics were scorpios. Stop hitting your head against a wall and think outside the box. 

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