Mittwoch, 13. Dezember 2023

Gay But Religious

People just did not talk about it but it always existed and people married even or just remaiined single. This is in all cultures, religions and depending on how traditional the culture is, the more taboo it will be. Considering this from a biological, sociological perspective where basic survival is a matter of family and community cohesion then differences such as left handedness, atheism, homosexuality are very disturbing to societal structure and massively repressed from earliest age. Obviously in a society where resources are plenty and freedom for all is real then freedom of choice is more. Choice however has its own problems as we see nowadays where teens are so identity confused they change sex. The more choice one has the more paralysis ensues. For example an arranged marriage can be liberating or imprisoning depending on one's viewpoint. Endlessly searching on one's own for Mr. or Mrs. right can lead to failure and bitterness or magical happiness. This is sort of like the theory of choice in shopping. In practice one does not look at all possible options but tries out a couple and is ok with it after a while. 

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