Donnerstag, 14. Dezember 2023

Israel Kills Gaza Poet

I find it heartening that the Jewish state has become like every other, namely, corrupt, brutal, power hungry. If there ever was any naive innocence in the saying "Next year in Jerusalem" then it is now gone. I remember the joy of German reunification, of the fall of the wall, of the excitement in all the East bloc countries, then Mother Russia to see the fall of communism. However, quickly reality set in. Much of communist propaganda about the West had a seed of truth, poverty, crime, disorder awaited many. Similarly the dream of a safe haven, a country of their own, brings with it the burden of making very hard decisions, like a parent with children having to mete out severe punishment, set rules, give orders. Eventually one can become obsessed with being right, make severe mistakes, become disillusioned with one's original dream. This is a natural cycle of anyone who starts into almost anything, job, marriage, political or religious affiliation. In short, this war could " Israel's Vietnam" to use a well understood American metaphor. Lt. Calley and his " burning down the village to save it" awaits the IDF. 

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