Samstag, 17. Februar 2024

Kundalini Awakening

Difficult at first, results in better health, vitality, intuition to paraphrase the text.

For me this is like sport. No pain, no gain. Static life means going backwards into decline. Inevitable age decline seems a no-brainer but in esoteric teachings we are meant to lose interest in certain areas of life and ascend to higher levels. Body might get weaker but spirit becomes much stronger. In youth we are primitive, simple, mechanical. We grow into sexuality, complex social interactions, later our spirit thirsts for God. Ideally old age should be a time of great happiness, wisdom, enlightenment and not of loneliness, physical decline, withdrawal. In modern materialist society this seldom occurs however as few are initiated and secret teachings are ignored, disregarded. Religion and faith are seen in a bad light as being ignorant, uncool. Obviously living in a religious straitjacket reduces our chances for emotional groowth in our adult phase and the standard religious controls do little to help us out of the box we find ourselves in when we practice modern relationships and family life. Modern religions have become sanitized versions of shamanic traditions which used mushrooms in Americas or mind altering breathing techniques in India. Materialistic moderns neccessarily sensed the deadness of the church but feel after a while also deadened in their open society. Progressives fixate on their sexuality, conservatives on tradition and both on material success as a measure of well being. A final desperation in advanced circles has come with life extension, anti-aging techniques. Deeper inner knowledge is intuitive, creative. We must return to precivilizational primitive knowledge before agriculture when we sensed orselves as part of nature more fully. This possible through what this video explores.


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